Cute and beautifully shaped Boleslawiec sugar bowl in the exclusive decor 166a
Whether goulash, garlic soup or soljanka, in this tureen tastes everythink.
Perfekt für aromatische Schmorgerichte und stilvolles Servieren
To keep safe from sugar and flour.
Make your own jam yet? In this pot you can fill it.
Roaster in the perfect size for a two to four person household
Margarines, with his vegetal fats, is very healthy. This Magarine Dish is for up to 500 g margarine.
Combine different containers to create a cosy atmosphere
Roaster in the perfect size for a one to two-person household
With a second handle for a better grip when pouring
The largest teapot which provides the Boleslawiec pottery.
One of the largest teapot with warmer.
The tealight not only keeps your tea warm, it also creates a comfortable atmosphere.
With this extra large pot is't a problem to appease thirst.
Tea and coffee is best served hot!
Exactly the right size for a little tea party.