Im Laufe der Zeit kann es vorkommen, dass ein Teil beschädigt wird. Statt alles neu zu kaufen, bestellen Sie einfach das benötigte Ersatzteil.
Everyone likes his tea hot! With the warmer it is very easy.
Tea and coffee is best served hot!
The tealight not only keeps your tea warm, it also creates a comfortable atmosphere.
Exclusive teapot with traditional warmer.
The largest teapot which provides the Boleslawiec pottery.
For each type of tea.
Capacity: 1.5L, handmade, microwaveable, colorfast, fireproof
One of the largest teapot with warmer.
Whether goulash, garlic soup or soljanka, in this tureen tastes everythink.
Ideal for large households or families who drink a lot of tea.
With a second handle for a better grip when pouring
Keep your soup longer hot.
Ideal for large households and shared company kitchens
Fantastic coffee pot in brown with a flamed top and teapot warmer
Enjoy the evening, wallow in tea dreams, enjoyed with almost 3 liters.
Roaster in the perfect size for a one to two-person household
Our stylish coffee pot in combination with the matching warmer
Our stylish coffee pot with matching warmer
Small but beautiful. The right size for a piece of cake.
Roaster in the perfect size for a two to four person household
Our stylish Boleslawiec coffee pot in combination with the matching warmer, hand-decorated with the famous Boleslawiec peacock decor
Beautiful teapot with a matching teapot warmer in a cute polka dot decor
Wonderful combination of teapot and warmer in a floral premium decor
Boleslawiec teapot set with warmer in decor no. 120
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Teegenusses mit unserer exquisiten 1,5 LiterTeekanne und dem dazu passenden Stövchen mit Dekor 8
Tee warmhalten in der Retro-Teekanne
Our stylish Boleslawiec coffee pot in combination with the matching warmer, hand-decorated with the elegant exclusive decor No. 166a
With it you can easily bring the feeling of summer, warmth and light into your home.
Beautiful teapot with warmer perfect for a candlelit winter evening at home.
Herin every body like to served the coffee.
Read a book and drinking a fresh cup of tea.
Enjoy a moment of silence with the cute teapot for two cups
With this extra large pot is't a problem to appease thirst.
With this teapot you makes a good impression at your friends.