Ideal for large households or families who drink a lot of tea.
Enjoy the evening, wallow in tea dreams, enjoyed with almost 3 liters.
With a second handle for a better grip when pouring
Ideal for large households and shared company kitchens
With it you can easily bring the feeling of summer, warmth and light into your home.
One of the largest teapot with warmer.
The tealight not only keeps your tea warm, it also creates a comfortable atmosphere.
Wonderful combination of teapot and warmer in a floral premium decor
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Teegenusses mit unserer exquisiten 1,5 LiterTeekanne und dem dazu passenden Stövchen mit Dekor 8
Tea and coffee is best served hot!
Tee warmhalten in der Retro-Teekanne
Capacity: 1.5L, handmade, microwaveable, colorfast, fireproof
Fantastic coffee pot in brown with a flamed top and teapot warmer