A ceramic jar that is as beautiful as the feathers of a peacock
Storage jar with lid to extend the shelf life of food
runder Bräter geeignet zum Schmoren, Dünsten und Garen mit geringem Fettanteil
Read a book and drinking a fresh cup of tea.
Shapely tea or coffee pot in the popular Boleslawiec peacock decor
Our stylish Boleslawiec coffee pot in combination with the matching warmer, hand-decorated with the famous Boleslawiec peacock decor
Roaster in the perfect size for a two to four person household
Roaster in the perfect size for a one to two-person household
Cute and beautifully shaped Boleslawiec sugar bowl in the famous Boleslawiec peacock decor
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Teegenusses mit unserer exquisiten 1,5 LiterTeekanne und dem dazu passenden Stövchen mit Dekor 8