Cute and beautifully shaped Boleslawiec sugar bowl in the famous Boleslawiec peacock decor
To keep safe from sugar and flour.
Read a book and drinking a fresh cup of tea.
A ceramic jar that is as beautiful as the feathers of a peacock
Make your own jam yet? In this pot you can fill it.
Storage jar with lid to extend the shelf life of food
Design for easy storage of different foods.
With this teapot you makes a good impression at your friends.
Margarines, with his vegetal fats, is very healthy. This Magarine Dish is for up to 500 g margarine.
Shapely tea or coffee pot in the popular Boleslawiec peacock decor
Herin every body like to served the coffee.
For each type of tea.
runder Bräter geeignet zum Schmoren, Dünsten und Garen mit geringem Fettanteil
Exclusive teapot with traditional warmer.
Exactly the right size for a little tea party.
With this extra large pot is't a problem to appease thirst.
The largest teapot which provides the Boleslawiec pottery.